Friday, March 25, 2005

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - A Modern Play

Today is Good Friday and it is the day on which we pause for a time to remember that Jesus Christ sacrificed His Life for our sake. He came, to be born of a Virgin, so that through His Death, we could have Life. The Life that He gave to us is the Life that comes from Grace. In my own life there has been a tragedy that was played out over the Holy Thursday and Good Friday. It is a constant reminder that my cousin Dorn lost her life because she refused the advances of a man who was not her husband. I have already reflected on Dorn's story in another post. Yet again this year I am remided of the tragedy of Dorn's kidnap, rape and murder. This evening as I am sitting here, I am reflecting on what Easter means to me, and I am reflecting upon the true message of the Scripture - (1) Love God and (2) Love thy neighbour. This is the essential message of both Old and New Testaments. Without the love of God, you do not love your neighbour. Without of love of neighbour, we become a people bereft of compassion, and lacking in justice, selfish, egotistical and greedy. This modern Passion play had its beginnings in February 1990 when a young woman who was only 25 years of age at the time collapsed on the floor of her bathroom and she was rushed to hospital. Since that night this young woman has been in a battle for her life, because her husband who is now her guardian is determined to kill her. The story of Theresa Schindler has been sending shivers down the spines of a variety of people from the ultra conservative to the ultra liberal, within the USA to Europe, including Holland and Germany, and through to my own country Australia. The plight of Theresa Schindler has caused comment throughout the world. She is being forced to die, a slow and painful death. It is a death that is designed to torture her as she lies there not being allowed to eat or drink. What is happening to Theresa Schindler is disgusting and it shows that a once Christian nation has debased itself by sacrificing on the altar of Satan. The latest death sentence that was imposed upon Theresa Schindler began on 18 March 2005. It began just as we began preparations to commemorate an event that happened almost 2000 years ago, two days prior to our celebration of Passion Sunday. As we sat and listened to the Gospel of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Theresa had begun her own passion - a court ordered death sentence, even though she is innocent of any crime. Yes, Jesus was also innocent of any crime, and he was put to death because the people, stirred up by the Pharisees, cried out that they wanted Him to be crucified. As this story has continued to unfold, it has not been difficult to see the parallels of the Gospel story. It begins with Michael Schiavo, the husband who, like Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, has betrayed his wife with his philandering behaviour. Just like Judas this man has a murderous mind, who was waiting for an opportunity to carry out his plan to kill his wife. Poor Theresa, for she married the wrong man. His behaviour has shown him to be a wife abuser ( or at least it is suspected that he is a wife abuser). He comes on the television claiming that he loves his wife, and that his purpose is to carry out what he says is Theresa's wish to die rather than face her disability. The problem with this story is that Theresa cannot talk to let anyone know what she wants. The very tenacity of her existence is a sign that Theresa wants to live, despite the cruelty and isolation that she has faced. It is because Theresa cannot talk that Michael has been able to manipulate the press, as well as the judiciary in order to have his desire to kill his wife sanctioned. When Jesus faced His trial after His arrest, false witnesses came forward with their lying testimony. He was brought first before the Sanhedrin, then he was passed on to Pilate and Herod. Now we see a repeat of the coming forward of false witnesses in order to see Theresa condemned to an excruciating death by dehydration and starvation. These false witnesses are: a neurologist by the name of Dr. Crandon. His claim to fame is that he will guarantee to give a diagnosis of PVS for a fee as an expert witness. He wants to further his own death to the disabled, the elderly suffering from Alzheimers Disease and others agenda and he will oblige if someone wants a death sentence diagnosis. Then there is the brother and sister-in-law of the faithless husband who have been only too willing to comply with the request to state that Terri made a statement about not wanting to be hooked to life support. It is their testimony that has been accepted by Caiaphas (Greer) in order to manipulate the outcome of this case. This time it is not just the mother who is standing by her son, as he was dying on the cross, rather we have father, mother, brother and sister who feel so powerless because all of their efforts to rescue their loved one has failed. The American justice system, as it is practised in Florida has failed in the case of Terri Schiavo. As Jesus had moved towards the ultimate hour, which is the reason that He came and dwelt amongst us, the Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians and others managed to unite themselves together in order to carry out their plot to kill Jesus. For Caiaphas said that it was better to kill one man and spare the lives of thousands. With this prophetic statement, he put into motion the final plan that was to bring about the death of Jesus. Now in Florida, we have one man, the unjust judge, George Greer, who has stated: "No one is to feed that girl", as well as many other statements in which he has managed to thumb his nose at the highest office in the United States - the Office of the President of the United States of America. Just as Caiaphas was determined to murder Jesus, George Greer, Michael Schiavo and George Felos are determined to murder Theresa Schindler. On the night before He died, Jesus was handed over to the Roman soldiers and it was there that he was whipped and tortured. His flesh was split as a result of the flogging that he received. They spat at him, and they placed a crown of thorns on his head, as they jeered and made fun of him. It must have been a very sad spectacle when it took place. Yet Jesus bore the punishment that was meted out to Him, so that we would be saved from sin. Now, we see a woman lying on a hospital bed as she is being slowly tortured to death by starvation and dehydration. Outside of the hospice there are the ones who represent the faithful women disciples, who have been protesting and aligning themselves with the suffering of Theresa. Then there are the mockers, who like those who demanded that Jesus should show His power and come down from the Cross, who are happy to go along and make such glorious statements: "I am for Terri, let her die". In other words they are there to gloat as this woman is allowed to slowly die through what can only be described as torture. They have laws preventing animals being treated in that way, and they are not prepared to grant this woman a reprieve from her death sentence. Her husband wants her dead, because he is afraid that if she was sufficiently recovered he would be found out in his lies. The judge wants her dead because she has become the test case that will allow an avalanche of death for the most vulnerable citizens in the USA. This action in Florida is equivalent to the Final Solution of the Nazis as they went around, first rounding up the sick, elderly and disabled, and then rounding up the Jews and murdering all of them. The roles of Herod and Pilate are being played out in the appellate courts both in Florida and in the Federal arena. The judges have just wiped their hands of the issue. They continue to refuse to look at the evidence with fresh eyes. Whilst all of this political manouvering is happening, a woman is fading fast as she continues with her agony of torture through starvation and dehydration. At the moment when Jesus gave up his spirit, there was a darkness that came over the land. What is going to happen if Theresa is allowed to die? Will America slip into an era of darkness? The darkness is not that which relates to night and day, but the darkness and evil associated with sin. What is happening to Theresa Schindler is a very evil action. She is being murdered with the blessing of the Judiciary of the United States. She has become a pawn in a life and death struggle. The judges do not want to hear the pleas of Theresa's parents. They are not interested in looking into the motivation of a philandering husband who is a liar and has murder on his mind. I have no doubt that Theresa has united herself with Jesus Christ, as she continues to battle out her final days. She is not meant to die like this, or at least it is not God's will that she dies. What is happening? Why has Satan been allowed to take hold of the conscience of Americans? Why is it that there is no groundswell of people demanding that Theresa must be allowed to live? Instead we hear from those who are delighting in the notion that she is now closer to death. They unjustly claim that Theresa died 15 years ago, but that is not true. Her original brain CT scan was normal. Another of her tests was also normal. She did not have a heart attack as claimed by her not so loving two timing husband. There is increasing evidence that he attempted to strangle his wife, yet all efforts of seeking an investigation into these claims have been stifled. According to reliable witnesses, Terri was laughing with the nurses who were caring for her, and she used to say things like "hi", "mummy" and "pain". You see Terri feels pain and that makes a lie of Dr. Cranford's diagnosis of PVS. They claim that she is feeling nothing right now, and that low down rat has been getting his head on the TV telling people that she is feeling nothing. This man is a heartless cold blooded killer. Theresa was condemned to death because she cannot talk for herself. She has a husband who is afraid of her recovery because if she could talk, then the lid would be blown off his efforts to kill his wife. There are medical forensic experts who have filed affadavits stating that the results on the CT and bone scan indicate that Theresa was strangled and that was the reason that her brain was starved of oxygen. Keep in mind that Michael Schiavo did nothing at all to assist his wife after her collapse.

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