Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nancy Pelosi is not a Catholic

Nancy Pelosi, who is allegedly a member of the Catholic Church is nothing of the sort. During the past year or more she has lied and schemed and has been behind some of the most dirty sleazy backroom deals ever in the Congress of the USA.

It was reported that she went as far as "explaining" what the Catholic Church teaches. The problem is that what Nancy said is not the teaching of the Catholic Church.

As such, Nancy Pelosi has committed some of the grossest violations against the Catholic Church and she should be ex-communicated for what she has done.

It is not just her major sins of lying and cheating, it is not just her hypocrisy, it is the fact that she attempted to misrepresent the teachings of the Catholic Church and in such a way that she has distorted the Truth.

I believe that Catholics should demand that Nancy Pelosi is ex-communicated from the Catholic Church and until she repents (in the real sense of repenting) she should be denied any of the Sacraments of the Church.

What has gone down in the USA over the past 24 hours will live in infamy. There is nothing of precedence or even anything historical about the graft and corruption that preceded that vote.

Now is the time for Catholics to read up about what happened during the period of the Reconstruction and especially the corruption within each state Congress. Then read about the rise of the KuKluxKlan and who was behind the behaviour of the KKK and what was gained out of that intimidation.

Yesterday was one of the most shameful days in the history of the United States of America. Shame on all of those who voted to put Communists in control of the Congress.

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